WCI Company News
Environmental Solutions Tailored to Fit Your Needs

Environmental Solutions Tailored to Your Needs

Construction of environmental handling systems requires expertise and knowledge beyond your typical contractor. Industrial and hazardous waste handling systems must be constructed to strict environmental standards, and the staff at WCI are professionally trained for just this task. So, what industries do we service and how can we help? WCI provides advice, assistance and construction services to many industries and businesses on a wide variety of environmental issues.

Ash Handling Systems

Processing ash created during the solid fuel combustion processes requires many steps. Collecting, conveying, storing and loading out of ash residue may need to be done differently depending on the types of ash. Coal, wood and other solid fuels may create bottom ash, fly ash or other types of materials which need to be processed differently. Trust our knowledgeable team to create a pneumatic or mechanical ash handling system to fit your needs. Our dedicated staff offer solutions to these tricky environmental situations. Conveying the ash materials, holding it in interim silos and processing for disposal or reuse are taken into account during the process. A custom system of hoppers, vacuums, dust collectors, conveyors and other machinery manage the process.

Electrostatic Precipitators

It’s possible to remove fine particles, like smoke and dust, using the force of an electrostatic charge. Our engineering team can help create a system to remove suspended dust particles from a gas or exhaust. An electrostatic precipitator applies a high-voltage electrostatic charge and collects the particles on charged plates. Our customized systems often remove particles from flowing gasses with minimal interruption to the process. These complex systems are advantageous for large gas volumes and heavy dust loads and require the expertise of a knowledgeable environmental contractor, like WCI. The complex nature of these processes may not be the best solution for environments that need flexibility or whose operating conditions change frequently. We can help you decide which environmental solution will work best for your industry.

These are just a few solutions we offer. Our dedication to your business doesn’t end after construction is complete. Because of our high-quality engineering services, impressive safety record and cost-effective ongoing maintenance agreements, our skilled environmental construction services team is proud to serve over 80% of our clients with their ongoing maintenance and future construction needs. Whether your industry is power, manufacturing, milling or other, we have a solution for all of your environmental needs.